Durrington infants school 104

Being a Church School

Being a church school we discuss the values and teachings of the Christian Faith, guided by the Church of England.

We also openly discuss other faiths and encourage the children to question and discuss what they do and don't believe. This culture of being curious about faith, life and learning is key to the school's culture and the pupil’s spiritual development.

 The teachers guide the children through the Understanding Christianity Project, which is followed by most Church Schools in Wiltshire. The RE curriculum gives the children the opportunity to discuss different themes such as God, Incarnation, Gospel, Salvation whilst looking at other religions compared to the Christian Faith. This world view of faith and belief gives the children the knowledge of different religions and also lets them explore what the Christian Faith has to offer.

 Alongside the Religious Education curriculum, the school encourages the children to develop their spirituality by giving them many awe inspiring moments, time to reflect and times for children to follow their own lines of discussion and inquiry. These moments also happen spontaneously, (not planned) and these are encouraged and time given to be explored. We feel this is really important for children to experience these moments and develop their own personal spirituality.  

As a "Church" school we have the advantage of strong and supportive links with our local church, All Saints, Durrington and the local Christian community. Members of the Avon River Team and The Bridge Project visit the school on a regular basis to lead worships, lead social skills groups, hear readers and mentor some of our most vulnerable children, The Reverend Philip Bromiley leads services in the church for our children and also sits on our Local Governing Body known as the Academy Advisory Board.

Click here for more information about our linked local church: Durrington All Saints

We are also affiliated to the Diocese of Salisbury and more information about their Education Team can be found here:

Salisbury Diocese Board of Education