

  • Children will have opportunities to develop and stimulate their creativity, ideas and imagination.
  • Children will develop their artistic skills, vocabulary and knowledge and understanding.
  • Children will be encouraged to approach art with confidence and enjoyment and will ask and answer questions about art confidently.
  • Children will explore and use materials and processes in a variety of ways to communicate their ideas and feelings.
  • Children will develop their understanding and use of colour, pattern, texture, tone, line, form, shape and space in 2D and 3D to represent their ideas and feelings.
  • Children will enjoy and experience a wide range of artistic activities and processes, techniques, tools and materials.
  • Children will use the work of artists, crafts people and designers, from their own and different countries, cultures and times including visiting virtual art galleries and museums online
  • Children will learn the skills needed to evaluate and respect their own work and the work of others.
  • Children will develop the skills needed to work co-operatively and learn positive attitudes and attributes that can support learning in other areas.

At Durrington Infants, these skills are embedded within Art lessons and where appropriate within our curriculum so they are developed consistently throughout each child’s time at the school. We are committed to ensuring that children are able to recognise the importance of Art and Design in the wider world and that they are also able to use their creative and design skills and knowledge confidently in their lives in a range of different contexts.

We want all children to enjoy Art and to experience success in the subject. We are keen to developing children’s passion about art, as well as an appreciation of the importance and impact of Art and design in within the global context.


Our teaching of Art is based on the Early Years Statutory Framework, the guidance document Development Matters, and The National Curriculum’s Programme of Study.  This is used flexibly and adapted according to topic themes and to the needs of our children.  Activities and objectives are planned to ensure breath, balance, progression and continuity and aim to extend children’s experiences, their knowledge and understanding and quality of their work.  Year group teams produce medium term plans which identify objectives and activities with scope for change to meet the needs of the children accordingly.

ICT is used to support and enhance art and design and enables children to create, explore and develop their own ideas. They can experiment with colours, shapes and special effects and images can be altered or repeated.  Classroom computers and iPads have art software and apps for children to create their own work.

Art and Design is planned to link and enhance learning in other areas of the curriculum whenever possible, and often occurs in Literacy, Design and technology, Science, ICT, History and Geography.

Art and Design can be delivered in several ways depending on the activity.

Generally children will experience a combination of whole class teaching, group, paired and individual work. Art sessions may include elements of the following:

  • Whole class or group discussion relating to a specific skill, technique, tool, material, object, story or painting. 
  • Work related to a specific artist or work of art.
  • Working with a specialist artist. 
  • Introduction or use of relevant vocabulary.
  • Questioning to extend ideas.
  • Teacher demonstration or modelling of skills and techniques.
  • Teaching new skills and techniques.
  • Introducing new tools or materials.
  • Discussions relating to the use of tools or materials correctly and safely.
  • Exploration of skills, tools, materials or techniques.
  • Time for children to develop their own ideas and complete work.
  • Using ICT to practise skills, enhance knowledge and understanding.
  • Time for children to talk about, share and evaluate their work.


The school has a supportive ethos and our approaches support the children in developing their collaborative and independent skills, as well as empathy and the need to recognise the achievement of others.


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Art and DT overview 01st Oct 2024 Download